Singing Guide: Rare Earth

Singing Guide: Rare Earth

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Rare Earth is a Motown band with a proud reputation for innovation and authenticity. The band is known for its ability to merge soulful jazz and rock music. Besides the fantastic instrumental work, the band is appreciated for its exceptional vocal performances as well.

To sing like Rare Earth, you need to have a versatile voice that can manipulate melodies and add emotion to lyrics. Rare Earth is known to have vocal performances that are low-pitched and raspy and others that are high-pitched, smooth, and soulful. Their overall sound is a unique combination of soul, jazz, and rock that you won't find elsewhere.

Below are some tips from Singing Carrots to help you learn Rare Earth's singing technique and some practical advice.

Breathing Techniques

When singing Rare Earth's powerful songs, the band members often display extended singing notes. To produce such sounds with ease requires proper breathing techniques. To achieve this breath control, you can incorporate Singing Carrots' breathing basics exercises into your training regimen. Besides, you must always use your diaphragm while singing to give you full control over air during breath support.

Posture and Voice Projection

Rare Earth's performances are full of energy, and so should your performance. A straight posture is critical in vocal performance, and in addition, invest in good energy and movement to maintain the character that Rare Earth maintains in their performances.

Warm-Up Exercises

Vocal warm-up exercises are essential so you can prepare your voice for any vocal challenge. Singing Carrots' warm-up exercise videos are an excellent tool to build your vocal range, develop flexibility, and creative dynamics.

Articulation Techniques

Articulation is the clarity of your speech during singing. Rare Earth's songs often have jazz themes and thus the need to master articulation during the up-tempo jazz sections. Singing Carrots' articulation blog content will help you master different syllable emphases and how to enunciate words correctly to deliver the intended message.

Vocal Training - Pitch Accuracy and Monitoring

As you train to sing like Rare Earth, you need to pay attention to pitch accuracy. At Singing Carrots, we have vocal range tests and pitch accuracy tests that will help you work on the areas that need improvement. Our vocal pitch monitor virtual piano comes in handy when you need to visualize the notes you sing in real-time.

Rare Earth Song Recommendations

Rare Earth's unique voice extends to their music and its multiple genres. Here are some song recommendations to get you started:

  • "I Just Want to Celebrate"
  • "Get Ready"
  • "(I know) I am Losing You"
  • "Big Brother"
  • "Good Time Sally"
  • "Born to Wander"
  • "Hey Big Brother"

These songs showcase Rare Earth's soulful and powerful sound, and by mastering them, you will be on the right track to sound like them.


To help you in your journey to learn how to sing like Rare Earth;

  • Refer to Singing Carrots' breathing blog content in Breath Support and Respiration articles to enhance your breathing technique.
  • Use Singing Carrots' 3 Minute Warm-Up to prepare your voice before singing.
  • Chorus and Verse Singing Techniques are essential in delivering powerful performances. Our Chorus and Verse Singing Techniques will help you to develop your style while singing.
  • Rare Earth's singing style involves belting and the use of growling techniques. You can learn these techniques from our YouTube exercises such as Heavy Modal, Twang, and Belting, as well as How to Growl.
  • Singing Carrots' voice registers and vocal break will provide you with insights into Rare Earth's unique vocal register techniques.
  • Use Singing Carrots' Pitch Accuracy Test to perfect your pitch accuracy.
  • Use Singing Carrots' Vocal Range Test to establish your vocal range and match it with that of Rare Earth's members.
  • Lastly, to achieve Rare Earth's unique voice, emulate and practice frequently from our Singing With Intuition, Skills, Emotions, and Thinking blog content.

With Singing Carrots' resources and recommendations, you can start your journey to singing like Rare Earth. Proper technique and dedication are all that is left to elevate your vocal skills to the next level.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.